Try it free for 10 days! Learn 32 easy techniques you can do anywhere, anytime, designed for those who experience the type of pain typically treated by a chiropractor, wellness practitioner, or medical doctor. This app can help users prevent injuries, increase muscular range of motion, and keep muscles strong during physical activity such as yoga, running, and weightlifting. The Quick Self Fixes app is the first of its kind to offer time-tested techniques developed by a chiropractor who has devoted over 35 years to helping patients. A targeted stretch or a short physical routine is sometimes all that’s needed to relieve pain and restore normal function, and this app’s guidance can help eliminate a visit to the doctor’s office.
ABOUT Quick Self Fixes
“It’s all about making space in just the right places,” Quick Self Fixes inventor Dr. Cassius Camden Clay, Chiropractor said, and his innovative routines are proven to improve blood flow, lymphatic drainage, nerve conduction, and cerebral spinal fluid flow. One question motivated him to research and develop this approach: “How can I teach you how to do what I just did that helped you?” The Quick Self Fixes app is quick and easy to navigate. Add fixes into your daily workout or exercise routine.
• Do you experience chronic pain in your ankles, knees, hips, elbows, shoulders, neck, back, or other areas?
• Do you have a job that requires demanding physical effort?
• Are you a professional athlete or just really into fitness?
• Do you experience low energy, stiffness, or general weakness?
• Would you like to slow the formation of arthritis in your joints?
• Do you want to fire up your metabolism and burn more fat?
• Do you want to improve your overall health and self-care?
• self-stretches
• self-organ manipulation
• specific joint motions
• self-massage exercises
• techniques to prevent and resolve connective tissue tightness and joint fixations
• routines to improve posture, balance and gait
• stretches to address athletic functions
• self fixes to eliminate chronic pain
• Improve overall strength and flexibility • Prevent and speed the healing of injuries
• Help prevent and relieve pain • Increase vitality
• Improve endurance • Slow the formation of arthritis
• Improve coordination • Enhance athletic performance
• Increase comfort • Increase metabolism and decrease fat
Watch full-length testimonials from patients and practitioners at
These 32 techniques are being used by specialists from across the globe – from athletic trainers and yoga teachers to holistic body workers – and the app includes their testimonials and contact details.
***Be sure to watch our instructional videos to learn how to get the most out of this app!***
The Quick Self Fixes app uses text explanations and step-by-step video instructions and is organized with three main features:
Fix Myself: List of body parts with Quick Self Fixes educational videos and text
Quick Self Fixes: Learn the entire Quick Self Fixes routine
My Routines: List of body parts with short videos that you have already studied (follow along without words)
Create an account for a 10 day free trial. After the trial period, users can purchase and own the Quick Self Fixes app for $19.99.
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